*Wednesday 3-4th (AM2) – Story of the World
Genevieve Clingman
Learn More About All of Our Teachers
Wednesday at 10:00-10:55 am
3rd Grade, 4th Grade
55 minutes
Teacher Planned using: Story of the World (Volume 1, Ancient Times) *Curriculum optional for student at home The Usborne Book of World History The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia Also: Student will need an Imagination Station chapter book midway through the semester (chosen by student)
$135 per semester
Included in Class Fee
ONE YEAR CLASS – New students are welcome to join this class mid-year:
This class will be a continuation of first semester, and is an introduction to ancient world history, from a Biblical perspective. Students will step into the ancient world through: listening to the text on audio CD, fun arts/crafts, hands-on activities, and games. Topics covered will be: The First Nomads, Ancient Egypt, the Israelites, Hammurabi and the Babylonians, the Assyrians, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Africa, the early Greeks, the Medes & the Persians, Sparta & Athens.
Students will be given *optional* homework to reinforce the lessons each week, and parents can add other material at home to use this class to cover history for their student.