Grace Homeschool Classes is NOT a school, but PK-12th enrichment and academic tutoring classes that take place outside the home at a church campus with classrooms that we rent. Grace PSP, Grace Christian School of Temecula Valley, is an “umbrella” school where families enroll their homeschooling students. Grace PSP files as a private school with the State of California, and all enrolled students are part of that school; Grace PSP is not a physical school, but a satellite school for enrolled homeschooling families. By law, all students must be enrolled in a “school,” whether that be Grace PSP, another PSP, charter school, or a family who files their own affidavit with the State of California. Any Christian homeschooling families can have their children take our Grace Classes, and they are not required to be part of Grace PSP. For help in seeing the differences between the two programs we offer, Grace PSP & Grace Homeschool Classes, please check out the attached easy reference: GRACE PSP vs GRACE CLASSES. To be a part of either or both programs, all families must submit required forms and have an in-person family interview with Class or PSP Administrator…for Classes, see “Steps to Register for Classes”…for how to enroll your children in the PSP, go to