*Wednesday JH (AM2B) – Discovering God’s World
Jenn Sousa
Learn More About All of Our Teachers
Wednesday at 10:00-10:55 am
6th Grade, Junior High
55 minutes
ABeka Investigating God's World 4th Ed Student Textbook - Item #135151 Link: https://www.abeka.com/abekaonline/bookdescription.aspx?sbn=135151 Student Quizzes & Worksheets - Item# 323225 Link: https://www.abeka.com/abekaonline/bookdescription.aspx?sbn=323225 Or find used curriculum
$165 per semester
Included in Class Fee
ONE YEAR CLASS (Same material covered as 4-6th 9 am class) – New students are welcome to join this class mid-year:
In this wide-encompassing science class, students will be discovering and investigating the details of so many aspects of the universe God created. They will be introduced to many ecosystems and the plants and animals that live in them. They will also explore force, motion, energy, light, minerals, astronomy, oceanography, and so much more. This will be a super fun science class with lots of experiments and projects to work on at home to reinforce what is learned each week. For this jr. high class, students will have graded homework and tests on material.