Thursday JH (PM1B) – IEW Writing (Based on U.S. History)
Carol Poston
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Thursday at 12:00-12:55 pm
Junior High
55 minutes
Institute for Excellence in Writing U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons (2019 2nd Ed) Student textbook ISBN: 978-1623413248
$190 per semester (writing class)
Included in Class Fee
This class is designed to supply students with a rich foundation for imaginative and enjoyable writing. Students will learn IEW’s “Structure & Style” writing method, while moving through various American History themes and topics about explorers, battles, famous ships, and founding fathers. Lessons include exciting source text, vocabulary reinforcement, student activities, and grammar mechanics to enrich their writing abilities. Students will learn to widen their writing skills as they learn to take notes, retell stories, summarize, write from pictures, write essays, compose critiques, and ultimately helps prepare students for high school writing.