ONE SEMESTER CLASS: Students will learn to play the ukulele...more on the class description coming soon! … [Read more...]
Wednesday 1-3rd (AM1) – Looking At California
ONE SEMESTER CLASS: In this class, students will learn about the history of California and some interesting and fun facts about the beautiful state they live in. Through all kinds of media, including books and videos, they will learn about how God has blessed California from the early settlements, the missionary trail, the Gold Rush and more. They will hear about interesting places to visit and find them on a map of California. They will also learn about the state bird, flag and more. Fun … [Read more...]
Wednesday 1-2nd (AM2) – Land Animals (Zoology 3)
ONE YEAR CLASS (Same as 3-4th class at 9 am): In this class using the Apologia Young Explorers "Exploring Creation with Zoology 3," students will take a tour through their own backyards, as well as be introduced to the various animal inhabitants of jungles, deserts, forests, farms and other ecosystems. There will be so much to discover like "how people are different from apes, how to tell poisonous and non-poisonous snakes apart, how to get away from a bear and more! Arranged by … [Read more...]
Wednesday 2-3rd (AM1) – Step Up To Writing
ONE YEAR CLASS (Same class as offered Spring 2024): Based on the curriculum of the same name, this very beginning class will help young students learn to put their thoughts to paper and will be a great foundation in writing. Students will use these writing strategies to develop a structure of good writing habits with organization, ideas and content. … [Read more...]
Wednesday 2-3rd (AM2) – Math “Fun”-damentals
ONE SEMESTER CLASS This class will be an exploration of all things math with games and in-class activities to give students a solid foundation as math skill levels build each year. Students will be challenged with timed tests for math fact memorization, team challenge games, and around-the-world style classroom games. We will cover math topics including time, money, fractions, addition, subtraction, basic multiplication and division, measurement and much more. Math should be fun and this … [Read more...]
Wednesday 1-2nd (PM1B) – Art Makers
ONE YEAR CLASS: In this great art class, young students will learn about ten art masters across history along with exercising their creative side. They will learn about the masters life and body of work, and then create their own masterpiece based on the artist and their style. There will also be a few classes where students will create art based on seasons and holidays. … [Read more...]
Wednesday 2-4th (PM1) – Jr. Lego Builders
ONE YEAR CLASS: In this fun class, students will make some really cool projects with Legos. There will be a new theme every Wednesday for a fun time with super easy hands-on activities, including famous landmarks, balloon car, marble run, zip-line, Lego bridge, Lego boat, tic-tac-toe, speed builds, mini-figures, and more! All they need is a little imagination and a handful of Lego bricks. And remember “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” -Albert Einstein … [Read more...]
Wednesday *K-2nd (PM2) – Fitness Foundations
ONE YEAR CLASS: This younger class will emphasize more with coordination and play. More on the class description coming soon! … [Read more...]
Wednesday 1-2nd (PM1A) – Grammar & Reading Skills
ONE YEAR CLASS: This will be a great class for both struggling students (and their parents), or those who just need more practice to become more fluent readers and confident writers. Students will come to better comprehend what they are reading and how sentences fit together, as they work on those tedious parts of language arts like adjectives, prepositions, diagramming sentences, the works. This will be a fun and engaging class with weekly assignments to do at home to strengthen the skills … [Read more...]