ONE YEAR CLASS - New students welcome to join this class mid-year: This class is a fun and interactive time of learning American Sign Language. … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 3-5th (PM2A) – Art & Nature
ONE YEAR CLASS - New students welcome to join this class mid-year: In this class, students will observe and share plants and animals found in Nature. Students will examine what we find in God's creation, and how we can use art to share that with others. Kids will get the opportunity to use various art styles to explore and create. … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 3-4th (AM2) – Story of the World
ONE YEAR CLASS - New students are welcome to join this class mid-year: This class will be a continuation of first semester, and is an introduction to ancient world history, from a Biblical perspective. Students will step into the ancient world through: listening to the text on audio CD, fun arts/crafts, hands-on activities, and games. Topics covered will be: The First Nomads, Ancient Egypt, the Israelites, Hammurabi and the Babylonians, the Assyrians, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 2-3rd (PM2) – Sing & Strum
ONE SEMESTER CLASS: In the 2nd semester, students will work on their skills as they continue learn to play the ukulele with new songs. They will perform at our end-of-year Open House in June, 2025. … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 1-3rd (AM1) – Looking At California
ONE YEAR CLASS - New students are welcome to join this class mid-year: In this class, students will learn about the history of California and facts about the beautiful state they live in. Some topics covered are Regions, Wildlife, and Resources, Native Americans of California, Early Explorers, The California Mission Systems, Life in the California Missions, Pueblos and Ranchos, National Parks, California Gold Rush, Statehood, Communications, Transcontinental Railroad, California in the 20’s … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 3-5th (PM1) – Intro to Sports
ONE SEMESTER CLASS: This class is an introduction to organized sports. Each semester, there will be different units on basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, volleyball and more as well as field days. Students will learn the very basics of a variety of activities, while also learning about sportsmanship and positive attitudes in sports. … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 2-3rd (AM1) – Step Up To Writing
ONE YEAR CLASS - New students welcome to join this class mid-year: Based on the curriculum of the same name, this very beginning class will help young students learn to put their thoughts to paper and will be a great foundation in writing. Students will use these writing strategies to develop a structure of good writing habits with organization, ideas and content. … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 2-3rd (AM2) – Math “Fun”-damentals
ONE YEAR CLASS - New students are welcome to join this class mid-year: This class will be another semester of exploration of all things math with games and in-class activities to give students a solid foundation as math skill levels build each year. Students will be challenged with timed tests for math fact memorization, team challenge games, and around-the-world style classroom games. We will cover math topics including time, money, fractions, addition, subtraction, basic multiplication … [Read more...]
*Wednesday 2-3rd (PM1) – Grammar & Reading Skills
ONE YEAR CLASS - New students are welcome to join this class mid-year: This will be a great class for both struggling students (and their parents), or those who just need more practice to become more fluent readers and confident writers. Students will come to better comprehend what they are reading and how sentences fit together, as they work on those tedious parts of language arts like adjectives, prepositions, diagramming sentences, the works. This will be a fun and engaging class with weekly … [Read more...]